Thursday, October 9, 2008

Between Now and Then

My sea life calendar features a picture of a snake for October - it looks rather dark and foreboding, but I still feel optimistic about the month. I think the whole idea of autumn seems to suggest up-and-coming life changes and transformations.

But it's also possible that I've just been reading too many horoscopes, which is what I've been whittling my time away with these days. Horoscopes and online tarot cards. Searching for answers, advice, solace - I've been feeling restless, but I look forward to that changing.

Looking ahead, I have some really cool things coming up - next week I'm off to Taipei for the Women Make Waves Film Festival, a truly awesome opportunity. I feel a bit unprepared and somewhat nervous, but if it's anything like my trip to Seoul last April, it'll be incredible.

At the end of the month, I'm going to Santa Barbara for a long weekend to help teach a filmmaking class in conjunction with the Travel Channel. The weekend after that, November 7th, I'm going back up to Santa Barbara for a screening of Butch Jamie at the OUTrageous Film Festival.

November 18th the DVD comes out, and November 19th Wolfe is planning a DVD release party at OBar in West Hollywood (be sure to stop by if you're in the area! David and I will be there; more info on that to come).

Meanwhile, the film has been getting some increased media attention. After Ellen did a nice review of the film the other day, and we also did an interview that should be up in a couple of weeks. I have a few other interviews to look forward to as well, which I'll keep you updated on.

Here is the final DVD art (you can click on it to make it bigger), including the back cover (notice that the DVD features 3 pictures of Howard!)

1 comment:

Landlady of Fat said...

AWESOME!! Lookin' good...

So very proud of ya!! :)