Wednesday, March 5, 2008

June Cleaver Eats My Beaver

As I discussed in my blog last week, two of my shorts are now available for download from TLA Video on a compilation called Iron Girls 4. Last week I talked about my film Ballet Diesel, the butch lesbian with closeted girlie habits. This week I'll tell you a little about the other short on the compilation, Girl for Life.

Girl for Life is a comedic infomercial spoof that teaches butch women how to enter any women's restroom with "confidence and ease." It's based on real events in that restroom-gender-drama (i.e. people thinking I was a man) was a daily experience for me and I'm sure it is for many of you as well. I do have a minor role in the film, but I cast two of my friends in the leading roles - Karman Kregloe (in the photo below on the right), who now writes for, and Shannon Morris (on the left).

There used to be a quarterly queer screening series in L.A. called Film Fatale, organized by Rosser Goodman from KGB Films. In honor of their fifth anniversary they created the Filmmaker Five, where five filmmakers were selected to make a film under five minutes with $50 in only five days. The entire film was to be made in the five days - written, shot, and edited.

At the beginning of the five days, each filmmaker was given an image to begin their film with and an image to end their film with, both of which could be interpreted however we wanted. Five days later, there was a screening where the films played in a sort of loop, with one film's ending image being another film's beginning image, and so forth.

My film was to begin with June Cleaver and end with blowing bubbles. So I did what any other full-fledged dyke would do, and I made a T-shirt that said "June Cleaver Eats My Beaver" to start the film with.

At the end of the film, I had the character I played blow bubbles above the infomercial title card.

And now, six years later, you can watch it on your computer...


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