Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If the Glasses Fit...look a little closer

As usual, it's been far too long since I last wrote. With the presidential campaign in full swing, I wanted to post a great SNL skit with lesbian heart throb (as I call her anyway) Tina Fey as Gov. Palin and Amy Poehler as Senator Clinton.

When I first learned that McCain had chosen Palin for his running mate, I thought it was a smart move for the Republican party to choose a woman. Then of course, after I found out more about her, I realized it wasn't such a smart choice after all. I hoped that would mean good news for us Democrats, but ironically, people seem to be taken with her. As much as I don't like McCain, it's scary to think that I actually like him more than Palin. If he kicks the bucket while he's in the White House, we're all in trouble. If he even gets to the White House, we're all in trouble. My Dad, who's been a Republican all his life, eventually swung over to the left after W came along. As he keeps saying, "Come on people - it's the 21st century - wake up."


Journal of a ____ said...

AMEN! Check out this interesting blog:

Ange said...

I couldn't agree more! Did you read my Palin post?