Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Long-Giland, lesbian style

A couple weeks ago Butch Jamie screened as the Closing Night Women's Film at the Long Island Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. I've never been to Long Island before and I thought it was really pretty. After the screening for the movie, there was an after-party, or "Gala" as they call it.

Here's a pic with my friend Sabra who took the train in from NYC. We went to Smith College together back in the 90's. That was in the 1900's before wireless internet and text messaging (I had a new computer ten years ago that had a 1GB hardrive; now I have a chip in my cell phone that is 1GB. I don't know if anyone else thinks that's amazing, but I sure do!) I haven't seen her in several years, but she read about the film in the Alumnae Quarterly and we got back in touch.

This is a pic with me and some of the other women at the party. As you can see, it's pretty casual for a Gala. It's called "lesbian style." Sabra is kind of dressed up but she's not a lesbian. Although it is true that you can't generalize because "lesbian style" in L.A. where I live is pretty fancy. They're a different species out here. Although being one of only a few butches in a city full of femmes does have its perks...

Below is a pic with Casper Andreas, the director from "A Four Letter Word," which was the Closing Night Men's Film.

...I think Casper is standing on a step or something. That must be why I look so short.

After the party, I interviewed for a local show called The Long Island Rainbow Connection (does that remind anyone else of Kermit the Frog? I looked up that song on YouTube but it's kind of boring. Kermit's cute, though. I used to want to be him when I was a kid). The interview won't be ready until January, so I'll post it then.

Well, that's all for today. I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

Michelle, your journal is wonderful -- I love reading it -- good job -- post even MORE often! ha!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

ok, let me try that again with my webpage url.....

Ange said...

Hey remember when you sang Rainbow Connection for me and recorded it on cassette?

Butch Jamie said...

What?!? No, I absolutely do not remember that.

OMG, that's funny. What a nerd I must have been.

Ange said...

No -- totally not a nerd! It was so cute! I think you even did it in your Kermit song voice. Remember our mixed tapes???

Butch Jamie said...

My Kermit song voice? OK, so that's a little embarrassing. But uh, I guess I have some vague recollection of that...

Although you are totally right about not being a nerd. We were sooooo cool back then. And now of course, too :)