Sunday, November 16, 2008

I believe

I know that prop 8 isn't really about hate. It's about fear - fear of the unknown, and of change and progress. I believe that the fundamental difference between myself and someone against same-sex marriage is not sexuality. It's not religion, ignorance, or even tolerance. It's the idea that I believe that the direction our world is evolving, on all levels, is a very good thing. I believe that the world will someday be a much better place than it is and that it has been. Change works in our favor, not against us. And time will eventually bring us peace, not chaos.

I actually have great sympathy for people who cling to the past as if it's a blanket of security. They somehow believe that society is destroying itself, and that the world is headed for anarchy and destruction. They may believe in God, but they don't believe in people. They seem to think that left to our own devices, we will all deteriorate into beasts and monsters.

I believe that God did create us in his image. I believe that the peace and love inside all of us is a far greater force than any amount of so called evil. I don't believe that humanity is losing the fight to become a magnificent race of people. I believe in us. I believe in people. And I believe in our future.

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