Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote NO on Prop 8!

I'll be back soon with more photos from my trip to Taiwan. For now, I wanted to send out a last reminder to those in CA to vote no on 8! Prop 8 would amend the CA constitution to eliminate rights for same-sex couples, writing discrimination into the constitution. Proponents of the proposition have been spreading lies about what will happen if prop 8 doesn't pass - that schools will be required to teach gay marriage, that churches will lose their tax-exemption status, etc. These are simply not true. You can get the facts here.

Here's a short video about No on Prop 8 -

My friend David and his co-workers recently designed this ad against prop 8 -

Also, I recently edited a video for Calpirg to vote yes on prop 1A in CA. With all the attention around prop 8, prop 1A is less known but would be cool if it passed. It's for a high speed train to run up and down CA. You could get to L.A. to San Francisco in less than 3 hours! It will also help decrease pollution and get more cars off the road.

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