Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Road to Sundance

I just got back from the Sundance Film Festival. I had a great time and am completely exhausted. I'll be posting more about my trip soon; in the meantime, below is a post I wrote before I left but didn't have time to finish.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for my first trip to Sundance! Even though I don't have a film there, it's a great place to go and network and to attend parties, panels, and films. While Sundance is notorious for not being super-accessible in terms of getting tickets to screenings, getting access to parties, and finding housing, I've had great luck so far with all three. Hopefully my good luck will continue...

While I have few expectations, I think the trip will be a good thing for me to do for my continually evolving film career. However, it's not something that I can really afford to do; deciding whether or not to go is a thought I briefly entertain each year before I dismiss it. But in thinking about going this year, I remembered an email I received a few days beforehand from one of the new-agey lists that I'm on -

"You must invest three percent of your income in your self-development in order to guarantee your future. Brian Tracy said that and he was right. I know you really want to take that class or that seminar or that spiritual growth retreat, but you think you can't afford it. That truth may be that you can't afford not to. Try following your highest impulse. Your mind rarely invites you to explore things that are worthless - and your soul never does."

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